The professional body for Psychologists and Counsellors in the Bahamas.
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Bahamas Psychological Association
According to the World Health Organization, the novel coronavirus also known as COVID-19 is a new strain of the already existing category of virus. The novel coronavirus has a range of symptoms, some of which are mild, and others that can be severe and life threatening.
WHO lists the most common symptoms of the novel coronavirus:
Children and healthy adults are more likely to have mild or no symptoms, however everybody can contract the illness and spread it. The most at risk groups are the elderly, people who are immunocompromised, people with preexisting respiratory issues, and smokers.
Coronavirus is contagious, even if a person shows no signs or symptoms of illness. Take a few extra precautions to help protect yourself and others from contracting the disease.
Source: World Health Organization
If you, or a loved one are experiencing signs and symptoms of Covid-19 call a healthcare provider. The Government of The Bahamas has provided the following resources for those who have questions and concerns regarding Covid-19.
Ministry of Health
Tel: (242) 502-4790/4776 or 4737
In Grand Bahama, contact
Tel: (242) 350-6700 ext. 2353 or (242) 359-4541
Tel: (242) 376-9350 ; 376-9387 ; 376-9357
Visit our page on COVID-19 for information and resources.
The Bahamas Ministry of Health keeps a page updated with COVID-19 information everyday.
World Health Organization (WHO) Dispelling Common Myths about Coronavirus (Covid-19) provides clarity and clears up misinformation regarding the coronavirus pandemic.
The COVID-19 outbreak can be a difficult and trying time for many. Experiencing fear, stress, and anxiety is normal under these circumstances. Visit our page on coping with stress during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Children have been heavily affected by changes related to the COVID-19 outbreak. For resources on helping children understand and cope with these changes, visit our page on Helping Children Cope. Other resources listed include supplemental educational material to help keep children active and learning while school’s are closed.
The mental health and well-being of our society must be addressed during this global crisis. Visit our page for COVID-19 resources for mental health professionals.
Visit our page on the COVID-19 outbreak with resources for Kreyòl speakers.
While it is important to take precautions against the novel coronavirus, experiencing too much anxiety or panicking can be harmful to yourself or others. The best response to the coronavirus is to follow the advice of experts and preparing appropriately and being reasonably cautious.
In the case of the coronavirus, it is important to be aware and up-to-date about local news regarding the novel coronavirus. Other global news that does not directly impact you can cause stress if overconsumed. Limit your exposure to such reports if you find yourself experiencing anxiety or panic.
Some fear and anxiety about coronavirus may be relieved by taking proactive steps to prevent catching the disease. Follow the advice of experts and practice basic hygiene tips to decrease your likelihood of acquiring the novel coronavirus.
Source: World Health Organization
Virus Anxiety provides free resources for those dealing with anxiety, stress, financial fears, and xenophobia regarding the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. It also provides resources for parents in order to help them support children during this time.
Bahamas Psychological Association
The professional body for Psychologists and Counsellors in the Bahamas.
Bahamas Psychological Association
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